Gratitude – Day 40 (Interesting Times)

There is a certain dynamism in the times we live. Two days ago, Osama Bin Laden was killed. Last night, the NDP became the official opposition party for the new Conservative majority government in Canada. There has been record flooding in Saskatchewan. A mind boggling number of tornadoes have ripped through the southeastern part of the USA. The earthquake and tsunami in Japan have caused a catastrophe at a nuclear power plant that has uranium prices dropping as the world considers the implications of nuclear power.  The depth of the US recession and the resilience of the Saskatchewan economy. This list goes on…

The volatility of the world and its people seems higher to me than normal. This is like a tense dramatic movie with the plot building slowly and inexorably towards an uncertain climax. I am not a doomsayer, nor am I one to promote anarchy and chaos, this is just an observation from the 50 yard line. I do not wish pain and suffering on anyone. A number of the world events really tug at my heart strings when I think about the tragedy and loss many people have to contend with. I am so absolutely fortunate. I do think that this high level of volatility is an opportunity to defribrillate our thinking.

Society will tend to settle into a comfortable rut, at least Western Society. A change in thinking is good. Fresh ideas are good. Perhaps these dynamic times are a catalyst to get people thinking about things they do not normally think about. I have not checked the numbers yet, but I believe the voter turnout for yesterday’s election was higher than normal. That is a good thing. That would signify a drop in apathy. Of course, I could be kidding myself. This evolution / revolution could entirely be a construct of my own. Perhaps I am the only one looking at a pattern of unrest & change.

Much like the time in which we currently live, my thoughts and words on this are chaotic and scrambled. I do not know where much of this points, but I do know that I celebrate change. Through change and agents of change, better ways of doing things are discovered. Better ways of thinking surface. These are times of great opportunity to seek out the good and discard the bad; a societal housecleaning of sorts. I am grateful for the opportunity to live in such a dynamic period, hopefully a period of transition as the global community realizes and examines these opportunities as well. Perhaps out of this larvae, some butterfly will emerge.

May you live in interesting times. ~ Chinese Proverb / Curse

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