Gratitude – Day 25 (Charity)

I enjoy supporting charitable causes and fund raising efforts. Tonight we are attending a poker game fundraiser. The good thing about most fund raising events, is that they are typically full of charitable people. The atmosphere is one of giving and support. Warms the heart. It also feels really good to be able to contribute in some small way towards a fund raising goal. There are lots of non-profit organizations that we donate too, but the events I am referring to are much more localized. Raising money for a school trip, or for a particualr person who is overcoming health obstacles. The fundraising is more personal. Even though some of the purposes for the charitable event may be dire or tragic, there is always a feeling of hope and positivity at these gatherings.

I typically dig a bit deeper in my pocket for the silent auctions, 50/50 draws, raffles, and other ancillary items that occur at these things. I scaled back my large corporate donations so I could do this. I have simply diverted funds that I would have traditional given to one agency to a number of smaller causes. I also now give to legitimate door to door canvassers seeking funds for some of the larger medical research causes. They are generally older people in the neighbourhood and it feels good to support their volunteer efforts. Positivity breeds positivity. I am very thankful that I can give to charity events and charitable causes. It is yet one more reminder of our own abundance.

I  also very much enjoy when people put the “fun” in fundraising events. Poker tournaments, dodgeball tournaments, pool tournaments, etc. When a charitable events can be linked to entertainment or an activity, it becomes even better for me. Take the positivity of the atmosphere that I mentioned earlier and add to that a light fun activity, and you have the recipe for a great evening. So today, I am thankful for the opportunity and abundance that allows me to donate to causes and events and the people who give of their time and effort to plan or attend. These are the people who make a deposit in the karma bank of humanity.

Let the chips fall where they may tonight.

“The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” ~ Winston Churchill

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