This is going to come from left field, but the whole SaskGames project is something I am quite grateful for. There has been steady growth since we launched in August of 2010. The site is meeting a demand. I have personally learned a lot about engineering a community through this whole project as well. These things cannot simply be installed and left to grow on their own. A constant and vigilant rearing of the project is needed. I suspect, the project will need close monitoring and coaching for another year. That is ok. I guess I have adapted my expectations to be realistic on this and I am ok with holding a very hands on role in the coming months. I do look forward to the point of inertia where my input and growth initiatives are no longer needed. In the meantime, there is still so much to do.
We are still identifying stakeholder groups that could benefit from the site. There are many small groups and clubs in the Province of Saskatchewan established for niche areas of our hobby. Our next step is to look at establishing an outreach program / package to engage them. There are still some clubs and groups that do not want to have anything to do with our initiative. That is ok, it is a free world and a free market. Speaking of free; what we are offernig is free. That is another area where I have commited to supporting the site. I will pick up the out of pocket expenses for running the site. There are some marketing materials that we will want to have developed shortly and there will be a cost associated with printing those. We will need to be judicious in how we address those needs.
Additionally, we have been in contact with some national and international gaming associations and clubs. Some of them are looking for a Saskatchewan presence and we are well poised to assist with that. There are so many opportunities for growth in this hobby. It is only a matter of exploring and capitalizing on them. We are also in the process of creating a small monthly eZine that gets emailed out to folks. My mind reels with the things that are moving forward and even more with the ideas waiting to be kicked-off.
So why is this a gratitude post? This is a very rewarding project. It warms my heart. Personally, our game group has grown by over a dozen members. I know many other gaming connections have been made. The hobby is so focused on the mainstream Eurogames these days, that many niche elements of the hobby are pushed into the shadows. Those niche interests are finding a home, and a channel to find other members and grow. I guess in many ways, Kathy and I have derived so much joy and happiness from the hobby, that it was compelling to give something back to the community and hobby that gave so much to us. That is what I am grateful for; the opportunity to give something to the hobby community. I want to make sure I make a Karma deposit on my journey once in awhile; this one feels really good.
I look forward to seeing this project develop and grow. More importantly, I look forward to seeing the community develop and grow. Despite the work and some of the opposition, this is one of the best initiatives I have been involved with for a long time. Thanks!
Daring ideas are like chessmen moved forward; they may be beaten, but they may start a winning game. ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe