Day 2 of Gratitude

Day 2

My morning ritual involves a cup of coffee and some time to sit & reflect. I was sitting at the tabel wondering what I will give thanks for today. There are so many things to be thankful for that it is mind boggling. Then it came to me with crystal clarity. I am thankful for Saskatchewan. I am thankful to call Regina, Saskatchewan my home. I need to articulate this to help remind myself of a principle I believe in. Wherever you live is “home”. It is important to be at peace with your home and your surroundings. It is important to be 100% present and committed to your home.

I am coming out of a period where I had one foot out the door so to speak. The last few years, I have been spending a certain amount of energy thinking where my next home would be. Saskatchewan is the fourth Province I have lived in and if my count is correct, this is the twentieth address I have had over the years. Those numbers imply a bit of a nomadic lifestyle. I have lived at my home in Regina for almost 15 years. That is the longest I have ever lived at one address. I was starting to get itchy feet and make plans for the next chapter of the nomad’s story. I have thoroughly enjoyed every province where I have lived. They have all taught me something about the area and about myself. I am very grateful for the opportunities I have experienced throughout the years. I am very grateful for Saskatchewan.

When we moved here in 1996, I was concerned about living for any length in this part of the world. No ocean, no mountains; features I have come to value greatly.  Turns out that Saskatchewan is a bit understated about some of the beauty it contains. We have made a commitment to get out and explore the province and see first hand what it has to offer. A number of outdoor ativities have taken us to some amazing parts of Saskatchewan: Camping, Hiking, Canoeing, Kayaking, Golf, Mountain Biking, Snowshoeing, Geocaching, Paintball, Swimming. The easiest province to draw contains some interesting features and areas for exploration.

Now, back to the itchy feet of the nomad. A fews years ago I started to contemplate where our next adventure would take us. That firmly put one of my feet out the door. The reality is that Kathy is in the middle of a rewarding career and it does not make sens to move right now. Additionally, Krystal & Teri are starting to make their way in the world and it would be nice to be close to them as they decide the path they wish to follow. Both the girls have a zest for travel, so who knows where they may wander and settle. Also, we have established a wonderful and enriching community of friends in Regina who enjoy may of the same activities that we enjoy.

It is time to pull my foot back in, and truly be at home. I want to be “present” in my present location; mindful of all of the good things that surround me. The sense of home has to seep back into my bones.

Home Sweet Home

As Dorothy says: “There is no place like home.”. It is good to ground myself in the thoughts and warmth with the knowledge that I am home. Saves the energy of looking over the fence. I can’t say that I will be here forever, but for now, I am here.

“He is happiest, be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home.” ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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