A number of years ago, we started a tradition amongst friends. The tradition was simple. Meet at O’Hanlons Irish pub at 11:00am on Saturday for Guinness Breakfast. What the hell is Guinness Breakfast you ask? Well, let me illuminate you. If you buy a pint of Guinness, you also get a cup of coffee, bacon, eggs, toast, and potato hash browns for free. If you are morally opposed to buying a beer before noon, you can buy a breakfast consisting of a cup of coffee, bacon, eggs, toast, and potato hash browns and then you receive a pint of Guinness for free. See? Great deal.
I think we are coming into our fourth year of doing this and it warms the heart to see this weekly ritual continue. We have not attended much in recent times and just went this past Saturday. There are some of our friends that we almost only see when we attend GB, a nice way to catch up. Over the years we have had gatherings as large as 20 or more, and some days there are only a couple of people show. There have been folks who have attended from at least 5 provinces; this is a coast to coast affair. There is something magical about the taste of Guinness with breakfast. There is also something magical about gathering with friends in a local pub on a Saturday morning. Life just seems light and fun. I really appreciate the rag tag band of misfits that gather. We are a collection of eccentrics representing very different political, religious, and world views. It is a wonderful gathering and you have no idea where the conversations will take you. Many ideas have been explored and discussed at these gatherings. Some times thought provoking, some times silly, often times humorous, but always respectful. Here’s to the group that meets o’er a pint and breaky.
One Pint to rule them all, One Pint to find them
One Pint to bring them all and at O’Hanlons bind them
~ Apologies to JRR Tolkien