Gratitude – Day 7 (Social Networking)

Social networking. People either love it or hate it. Well, I am appreciative of the technological time we live in. I have friends and family scattered all over the place and social networking tools allow us to stay in touch. I can see where some of these tools become addictive time wasters, I also understand the privacy concerns. These applications are just tools and can be configured and used in a way that suits your needs. For instance, I do not run any applications on Facebook and I turn off all notifications for those applications as soon as they rear their head. It keeps my experience on Facebook, cleaner and more focused. I really appreciate that I can keep in touch with old friends easily. I also appreciate that it is a way to communicate with my daughters, my nieces, my nephews. In some ways, these applications help to bridge a generation gap. One of the biggest challenges in maintaining a relationship across a generation gap is to maintain open lines of communication. This meets that need head on.

Recently, on a trip back to Nova Scotia, I posted on Facebook that I would be in the area. Consequently, I was invited to attend a Hants East Rural High class of ’82 reunion planning meeting. It was very cool to see old friends and have a beer. I value those opportunities to re-connect with the people in my past. I guess I am a bit nostalgic. Additionally, it is interesting to see how old friends are pursuing their dreams and following their hearst on various journies. Belinda is active with her dance pursuits, Richard is launching his music career, Juanita runs a training company. It is because of the social networking that I get to share in some of their journey and cheer them on from the stands. I have had a number of friends inquire about the boardgame events or snowshoe outings I post about. Just goes to show that the world is interesting, if you’re interested.

I would like to give thanks to the host of items that have evolved social networking: MSN, Yahoo, Facebook, Skype, Discussion Forums, PhotoBucket, Flickr, WordPress, Meetup, etc. They are all just tools. If you use a hammer to pound a nail, you will find success. If, however, you want to cut a board in two, perhaps you should set down that hammer and use something more suitable.

Facebook - You're Doing it Wrong

“Regardless of what may be the hot social media property of any particular month or year, social networking has become a core part of our daily lives.” ~ Amy Kean

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