Gratitude – Day 6 (Daughters)

Smile & the World Smiles with You.

Teri & Krystal are pretty amazing. I am pretty damn proud of both of them. They are making their way in the world and it is so rewarding to see their journies unfold with each new step. Both of them are out on their own, but living in Regina. Yesterday, they showed up with a bunch of groceries and took over the kitchen to make supper. They each have a flare for food, so it was a delicious meal. Kathy was at a brromball game and I was pretty bagged from our earlier snowshoeing expedition, so this was an absolute Godsend.

In addition to a wonderful meal, we played some “You Don’t Know Jack” on the Xbox 360 and a quick game of the Get Bit! boardgame. Really, what is not to be thankful for. A wonderful evening with wonderful daughters. I really am brimming with pride. They are caring, thoughtful, intelligent, beautiful, and independant. Kathy & I are quite fortunate that the girls live close by and that they still want to come over and hang out with their folks.

It also occured to me that parents aare supposed to teach their children important things about life, values, and the world around them and at some point, those roles change. That transition is taking place. They have so many fresh ideas and an awareness of the world around them, that Kathy & I could learn a thing or two. It is liberating to let go of need to have the answers; especially when there is a couple of people handy with answers of their own.

Family Vacation - Miami & Cruise

I am very grateful to have Teri & Krystal in my life. They enrich my days beyond measure. Thanks girls; very proud of you both!!!

A daughter is a little girl who grows up to be a friend.  ~Author Unknown

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